Kross Talk's Podcast
Description: A show that promises to engage listeners in objective conversations and share scriptural truths that transcend one’s emotions, personal opinions, and preferences- as a means to provide practical solutions and answers to real issues that affect real people; by discussing a variety of diverse topics and provide thought provoking answers to questions that we thought we knew the answers to
142 episodes
Ep: 143 Buying your exes kids gifts
Swig and Pudge discuss a viral video of wife who's upset with husband for spending money on his ex girlfriends kids

Big Pudge's Birthday get away
On this special episode of KrossTalk, We celebrated Big Pudge's birthday at a weekend getaway in with good friends. We decided to cut the mic on in the midst of our shenanagins and create an episode on the spot with Pudge's...

Ep. 141 Lets Talk About It
Swig and Pudge discuss various topics. From the Tyson fight to can a legacy be erased to so much more!

Ep. 140 Exclusive interview with Ramona Estell Jones
Swig and Pudge sit down with veteran artist Ramona Estell Jones, wife and manager of Canton Jones. In this episode we discuss family, groupies, music, success, challenges, goals and a whole lot more!!

Episode 139 What is Energy and Vibes?
Swig and Pudge discuss multiple topics concerning energy, vibes, discernment, gut feelings and a lot more!!

Ep.138.Black Women being labeled as aggresive/Differences of being in relationship with black women vs non- black wome
In this double episode Swig ,Pudge along with the help of special in studio guests, Sick Flo, Queen, and Anna Surv, discuss black women being labeled as aggressive vs non black women being labeled as simply passionate. The difference in being i...

Religious vs Spiritual
Swig and Pudge dive in discuss the differences of being religious and spiritual. In this in depth conversation they share the pros and cons of both views.

Ep. 136 Women Stripping Men From being The Protector
Swig , Pudge along with family counselor Kinaya Ade' discuss reasons why some women won't/ don't allow men to be the protector.

Christians Watching Demonic Movies
Swig, Pudge, along with special guests Tam'la ,Lavera, and Ramill discuss spiritual warfare, demonic possession, exorcisms horror movies. Whether they open up portals. They discuss their opinions on the controversial movie The Deliv...

Do All Men Cheat??
Swig and Pudge discuss the fact that many women say they have never met a man that didn't cheat, (including, brothers,friends, grandfather's, and fathers). Swig and Pudge dive a little deeper into possible roots of this unfortunate issue&...

Interview with CHH Legend Ty Scott King
Swig and Big Pudge sit down with Ty Scott King poet, author, rapper, minister, CHH legend and discuss life, music, influences ups and downs of her career as well as her latest project "Come Sunday".

Why Men Won't Open up
Swig , Pudge along with special guest Joe, discuss cultural and personal reasons why men struggle to open up

What You Need To Know about politics
Swig and Pudge discuss the differences between Democrats and Republicans. The other political parties in the United States and what political political offices directly impact our communities

BBLs vs Natural/ Sex as a guest
Krosstalk talked with men and women about BBLs vs Natural Pros and Cons as well as preferrences Swig and Pudge also discussed sex edicate for married couples staying as guests in someone else's home

Protecting vs Enabling
Swig,Pudge and special guests Donna and Brandi and discuss the differences between protecting and enabling when it comes to children and adult children

Men Knowing how to treat a woman but not knowing how a woman should treat them
Swig and Pudge Discuss 3 topics on this episode, Why do people cheat? Is cheating grounds for breakup/ divorce? Men being taught how to treat a woman but not being taught on what to expect from a woman.

Is the Bible Bias Towards Woman? Dating in the Bible
On this episode Swig and Pudge discuss 2 topics submitted by our listeners. Is the Bible biased towards women because it was written by men? Was there dating in the Bible?

Juneteenth vs Independence Day
Swig and Pudge share origins and meanings of Juneteenth and Independence Day. They discuss whether black people should celebrate July 4 ? How to celebrate Juneteenth? Should whites celebrate Juneteenth?

Swig and Pudge sit with 4 different generations and discuss the differences, similaites ,pros and cons aswell as shared ideas and misconceptions.

Does The Bible Talk About Ghosts?
Swig and Pudge discuss Ghosts.. are they real? Are they demons,are they in the Bible?

Exclusive interview with Ladie B
Inspirational urban gospel singer Ladie B stops by to discuss her brand new project aswell as what she had to overcome in order to complete the project.

Hiphop 50 celebration
In celebration of hiphops 50th year anniversary, Swig and Pudge invite special guests SickFlo and DJ Cue on to celebrate 50 years of hiphop, on this episode you will hear first hand experiences of being back stage with Wu Tang Clan, Encounters ...

Interview with CHH legend, Brinson
Brinson, discusses his documentary, albums, favorite artists and influences, favorite movies , almost quitting the music business and his upcoming performance at The Saintuary!